Tyrannosaurus Wrecks his scooter (toddler tee)
Tyrannosaurus Wrecks his scooter (toddler tee)
Tyrannosaurus. Wrecks. {insert rim shot}
Hey, I don't buy into much of the cultural norms on fatherhood, but an occasional Dad joke. Well, we've earned it. At least it's a fresh one. (As fresh as it can be coming straight outta the Jurassic...)
Oh, well. In my case, it turned out to be a great moment; Avery got to see he's not alone in taking spills. And, more importantly, he got to come check on me. Sweet kid.
And, I give you permission to just share a story of your best wipe-out. No need to take a nosedive just for a teaching moment.
Thank you again for your confidence in ordering from us.
- Daddy and Dude (aka Rob & Avery)
Adult t-shirts:
Bike click here
Skateboard click here
Youth t-shirts:
Bike click here
Scooter click here
Skateboard click here